A Safari Mystery at the Brevard Zoo
Tickets are now available for the second annual “Clue at the Zoo”, a Safari Mystery fundraising event for Crosswinds Youth Services, in collaboration with the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office and the support of Central Florida Crimeline. The event takes place on September 17th, 2016, at the Brevard Zoo, 8225 N. Wickham Road, Melbourne, Florida 32940.
Guest detectives will be invited to put their CSI skills to the test and try to identify the mystery villain. Various crime scenes and clues will be present throughout the Zoo. Guests will be given time to examine each scene, question each other and come to a conclusion of “who done it”. Be sworn in by Sheriff Wayne Ivey and receive a sports pack full of detective gear. Enjoy an array of complimentary appetizers with a cash bar available. One lucky guest detective’s ticket will be drawn for a Grand Prize.
Proceeds of the event will benefi t Crosswinds Youth Services, a nonprofi t organization located in Cocoa which provides emergency shelter for children ages 10-17, as well as counseling, case management, transitional living, and other services for youth in crisis and their families. Crosswinds’ mission – Crosswinds Youth Services creates opportunities for young people to succeed – embodies the organization’s primary goal of helping young people reach their full potential regardless of any barriers or challenges they have faced.
Tickets for the event are $50.00 per person. On September 17th, at the Brevard Zoo, Nyami Nyami Pavilion, registration begins at 5:30 pm and complimentary appetizers at 6:00 pm. A cash bar will be available. Guest detectives are advised to wear comfortable shoes for walking as they search the Zoo for clues!
For further information about “Clue at the Zoo”, call Misty Campbell at 321-452-0800 ext. 205, or email [email protected].
For more information about the programs and services offered by Crosswinds visit the website at www.crosswindsyouthservices.org, or call 321-452-0800.